

The online store is a future development trend. In the global sales market, it has replaced the traditional department store market. Its development potential will make the online store have more space. And it is also a transnational development. 612 Online Shop will become an online shopping center extending to the global department store market under the general direction of development in the 21st century. The prospects and profits will surely make 612 Online Store a transnational group. We welcome everyone to join this group , becoming a shareholder or employee is your pride in the future.


Dr. Philip Woo is the founder of the 612 online store. He has founded four different companies and has thirty years of experience in company management. Also has many years of experience in online business. This time he started his own business to build an online store, and he plans to sell different products. This online store is 612 Online Store, an online store set up for Dr. Woo. It is hoped that the online store will become an international brand. We hope that everyone can support or join this website and make this online store a blessing for everyone.

Dr. Philip woo 鄔小鶴博士
Founder 創辦人
David Tam 譚大衞 (董事)
Hannah Chan 陳雪麗(董事)
Zero Woo
Constant Kam 金文日新


612 online store is a limited company registered in the UK, a private company limited by shares. We have three shareholders registered as directors. According to the regulations of the UK company law, all shareholders of the company will be registered at the registry office. They are legal shareholders. We hope to start with a minimum of three people, but no more than 21. We hope that we are inviting investors or potential entrepreneurs to join our online store development plan. Also want to be a group.If we develop into a multinational group in the future, we will change from a private limited company to a public limited company, and we will be able to raise funds through listing.Our company is registered as a limited company according to British law, and the company will have independent accountants and secretaries. It will be audited and audited by an independent accountant every year. The company will issue 20,000 shares at £2 each.

Let us together to be partnership





612 Online Store is a modernized management operation. We adopt a teamwork management style to promote a modernized operation model, including administrative management, sales, supply and logistics. We have a core team of five people. We are headquartered in London, UK, registered as a UK company. Adopt British management, in addition to the management team, we will have a series of team work in all aspects. In the future, we will gradually expand



The 612 online store is an online store. We need to have more sources of goods. Among them, we need to establish a source and supplier for the supply of goods so that our goods will not be interrupted. The sources of our goods are mainly from the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the Netherlands, Turkey and other places. We have someone in Hong Kong who is responsible for supplying the goods, the UK and Europe, the Middle East and other places. We are also looking to set up supplier liaisons in the US. We hope that all products will be supplied directly by the manufacturer, but we are still in the initial stage of operation and need time to develop.We will become our good partners with suppliers, let them become a part of our development, so that our 612 online store can become an international brand.




As an online store, the logistics industry is one of our main partners. We must have a good logistics strategic partner and logistics system so that the products we sell can be delivered to customers as quickly as possible.In the future, we will develop cargo transportation by sea or air. Can also work for webshops. As a global online shopping mall, logistics is our most concerned part. We will have a dedicated team to manage it, so as to make our online shopping more convenient and faster.

Financial Consultant


We will work with a well-known commercial bank in the UK as our financial Consultant. We will ask the commercial bank to provide financing assistance for the development of the company.



612 online store, in addition to our above-mentioned team and financial consultants, we also invite some professionals to our consultants, including accountants and lawyers to serve as financial consultants and legal consultants. We have at least one or two legal advisors and an accountant as part of my advisory team, working alongside our management. Make our company complete help.



612store is an online store, we will add different products, including six categories. Our website is mainly to take the public route. Incorporated in the UK and has a branch in Hong Kong. Our six categories of products.
1. Souvenirs, gifts and art supplies.
Second, fashion, T-shirts, caps, bags.
3. Ancillary supplies such as computers and mobile phones
4. Antiques, household goods, printing paper.
5. Food and drink.
6. Innovative technological products.
These categories of products, we will exhibit and sell in our existing website, and we will establish a good product supply and logistics delivery.
Although the 612 online store is a newly opened online store, we have already started financing, and at the same time our three online stores have started to operate. Welcome everyone to join our franchise store. For details, please contact us.

Get in touch

612 Shop Ltd to support


612 Shop Ltd will support 612 Hong Kong vision to do the

Charity service as the objective of 612 Hong Kong Vision.

including building up the 612 Hong Kong Commemorative

Museum. and other relation of Liberty Hong Kong, revolution on our time.
